Saturday, August 8, 2015

Getting Ready

Well, it is here, my last week of summer!  How did those weeks go by so fast and I accomplished so little!?!

I have to say I enjoyed a few days out of town with just my hubby, I have some minor plans with my daughters, a trip to the beach, and an afternoon with my retired parents planned before returning to school.  But my mind is mostly on school at this point.  I have been scouring the ads for back to school supplies and sales, finding things on Pinterest and blogs, and reading materials to prep me for the new year. 

In our district, teachers report back to school this Monday; students return on Thursday.  I have to say I love a midweek start!  It gives time to do a little getting to know you, start some basic routines, then the following week, BAM!, let's get started!  Here are our daily routines, now we'll jump into the curriculum.  to me, it is perfect!

So this week I am frantically trying to prepare what I had put off most of the summer...  I went in to my room to clean up and organize things and made a list of items to buy at the local teacher supply store.  I have a ocean theme in my room full of blues and greens that I love!

Finally, after 19 years my district is looking into an actual writing program. I have NEVER felt I taught writing well, and never really had a plan; it was always mix and match and change-it-up every year.  Hooray!  I recently found out that my school is going to pilot the Lucy Calkins writing program (which I had already borrowed from a friend and was panning to buy when it came back in stock) so I have been signed up to do that and had already started reading the materials.  I believe training is also on the horizon but I was very last minute and the coordinator left this week to attend the Lucy Calkins training in New York, so we'll have to see.  What I cannot find, though, is information on HOW teachers set up their Writing Workshop.  I want to know what works with you and your kiddos and what doesn't.  Do you have a file box, a pocket folder in their desks, notebooks.  I'd love to hear your thoughts below.
Also this year, my class has a set of 8 iPads to use every three days.  So my goal is to start integrating more technology.  Again though, I'm at a disadvantage as there has been some personnel movement in our district and the person who said she'd help me set them up and load them with appropriate apps is now a principal (great for her!) and there has been no one hired to replace her.  Of course any tips or great FREE programs that work in your class would be appreciated.
image from

So there it is, in writing, my goals for this coming school year.  My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and ideas and I need to pin them down and tackle one thing at a time.  Wishing you all the best as you prepare for the coming year!

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