Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Third Time's a Charm

Ok, so here we are, another summer full of exciting and new ideas for next year...anyone else get totally gung-ho and then fall short when school actually begins?  Well, I'm doing it again.  I have now finished my Master's program and am looking forward to putting all of my new learning to good use.


I originally started this blog two years ago, can you believe it!?  I started it thinking I would blog about all of the cool things I learned while in grad school.  Surprise, getting another degree is A LOT OF WORK and about three weeks into the school year, surprise again-I had a combo in which I needed to teach two complete sets of curriculum!  I had no idea how overwhelmed I would be!  There was no time for anything anymore--all I did was study and work, who were those people in my family, anyway?

Then, last year I thought I'd get it going again, after all I only had a semester left, right?  WRONG!  Now I have to write a totally in-depth paper (I never really liked how it turned out) and I had an extremely difficult class. One kiddo zapped all of my energy all year long so there was little left for the rest of my kiddos and, again, who are those people in my family?

Well, I'm here to give it another go!  I have set a goal to blog at least once a week! I've been off of school for a week now and I have a rather long "to-do" list--mostly cleaning up after a whirlwind of grad school and a lack of time for much else.

I think part of my discouragement has been lack of interest by others so I am thinking hooking up with some linkys will help to market myself more, and I am working on creating some things to share, but I am definitely looking for advice.  I'd be glad to hear constructive criticism (and positives, too) so please feel free to teach me to fly!  :)