Friday, June 30, 2017

Oh my...

After all that cleaning it is time to get down to planning.  I have so much to do this summer to prepare my room and for teaching.

The problem head is spinning!  I start thinking about one thing, then that leads me to something else I want to look into, then, BAM!  I'm researching another topic!

I NEED to stay on focus!  So this week, it is my behavior plan (mostly).  In the past I have used warm fuzzies like these inspired by Mel at Suesstastic mixed with Rick Morris' behavior clipboard.

She has since changed these up a bit, but you can access her blog post by clicking the photo above.  I really liked this method.  It was easy to manage, the kids enjoyed it, and you never knew when there would be fuzzies flying in our classroom! But with a new grade level and some of the same students, I feel like I need to make a change for next year.  

Enter the Brag Tag! I liked this idea and think it will be just as easy to manage and it sounds like kids will really like it!  I started by reading and viewing Angie's info about Brag Tags here:

Then it was time to select the Brag Tags I wanted to use! This was not easy! There are so many to choose from-small bundles, large bundles, specific sets, even free ones!  Oh my!  I downloaded some freebies and narrowed it down to these three (of course I couldn't afford them all, sorry ladies!) PS there are still some in my cart on TPT! Maybe I'll add more later in the year!

Amy Salazar's 

Not So Wimpy Teacher
Angie Olson's Lucky Little Learners

You should have seen the process! But I finally selected one and purchased it and the chains for my students to wear them on.  I'm going to continue using Rick Morris' behavior clipboard as well.  And I've revamped my "rules" a bit as well.  Now I just need to decide if I should print the Brag Tags myself or for 80c a page at Staples.  I think I'd rather use their ink, right?  I can always add a page here or there from my printer, but to get started, I'm thinking Staples.  I also need to make a trip to Michael's or Home Depot for the little tool box to store them in-probably this weekend!  

Do you use Brag Tags?  How do they work for you?  I welcome any tips or tricks! Thanks!

Monday, June 26, 2017

First things, first...

Our last day of school was Wednesday.  What a week!  Since I will be changing grade levels next year, I decided to offer my students and their families the option to loop with me to third grade.  I wrote a letter explaining the benefits of looping and that I understood that it is not the best fit for all families, then gave them the choice.  Although placing students for the upcoming year is NEVER set in stone in my district, my principal is willing to honor the parents' decision to loop with me and about half have chosen to stay with me one more year.  Yay!

That being said, I now realize that I have-in a way-created more work for myself!  I will not be moving classrooms, but I need to make my classroom environment appear like it is a whole new world!  I have decided on a new theme and will rearrange my bulletin boards. I am rethinking my desk arrangements, and, if I can make it work, I would like to make some other arrangement changes as well.  My room is wide and shallow, so placing students in a position where they can see and learn differently is a bit of a challenge! My brain has been working overtime for almost three weeks now! Then...I spent a majority of Thursday and Friday in my classroom!

To make all these changes, I needed to first do some serious weeding of the garden.
I cleaned out cabinets.
I cleaned off shelves.
I threw away old materials.
I recycled many papers.
I sang "Let It Go!" on continuous loop!  Elsa would be proud!
Several full size trash cans later and as many of recycled papers/teacher workbooks--my shelves are clear.  All of my hard work and organization of second grade materials are put away behind my white board and I am ready to begin anew!

Note the extra space, empty boxes, and sticky notes?
That's because I'm not sure yet how I want these theme boxes organized.
These shelves are mostly empty!
The extra items are there because we have to
clean off the tops of everything for summer cleaning.  
Bring on third grade!

On Sunday I made a plan.  I organized my personal planner, made a list of things to get done before we go back in 6 weeks, and prepared my new Plan Book.
Yes, I create my own!  It works for me! More about that at another time.
Blogging will keep me accountable and I always welcome suggestions.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Off to a Fresh Start

Hello people in blogland...if you look around a bit, you will see that I'm not a frequent blogger
IN FACT it has been almost a year!!
Well, I finished up another school year and I have already turned over a new leaf!

Let's start with the fact that after 16 years of second grade, I have volunteered (out of necessity, of course) to change grade levels.  Not, by much, mind you...just to third grade, but it is a change just the same.  I personally feel that change is good.  It can renew one's spirit, refresh one's thinking, and force one to venture outside of their box.

And that's what I'm doing!  I won't go into to details regarding how this all came about, but I plan to take you on this wild and crazy journey with me.  Are you ready for a ride?

This summer I plan to share with you my thoughts and progress toward being an AWESOME third grade teacher.