Saturday, July 12, 2014

Five for Friday Linky

Oops, I fully intended to post this yesterday but time got away and so I'm doing it now, forgive me for my tardiness.


I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.  Five random things from my (mostly) uneventful week:

This week started by taking my older daughter to camp.  It is a great week of fun and fellowship at church camp in our local mountains.  We pick her up tomorrow and send the younger one on Sunday.

I spent A LOT of time on the creation of my plan book.  That was an amazing undertaking and, frankly, I'm quite proud of myself!
So I did have an anxious day on Thursday.  The unthinkable happened!  I spilled water on my very expensive 4 month old iPhone!  You will not believe the craziness that led to the purchase of this unlocked iPhone, that in the end cost us about $800!  Then I had a spill, and got some message about an incompatible device and it is not even plugged in to anything!  I dried it off as best I could, threw it into bag of rice, and rushed it off to the emergency room Apple store.  There is a happy ending, although it did come into contact with water, there was not water in the phone and it works fine now--phew!

The family enjoyed a fun party in the park hosted by our orthodontist.  With two kids in braces we definitely deserve pay back patient appreciation and this guy is no slacker on the party scene!  There is plenty of pizza and drinks, wandering magicians, a variety of inflatable fun, a rock climbing wall, Schwann's ice cream, face painters, balloonists, and prizes!  What a day!

OK so this is a work in progress...I had an extremely tall pile of papers to file by the end of the year. And, trust me, there are plenty more piles!  Somehow I decided with the adoption of the Common Core to change the way I file!  I am going to transfer them to binders.  I started with Katie's post here and then decided binders would work better.  So I took the pile home and got this stack organized-not too bad now, right? I realize that there is no way I'll get the entire job done this summer, so I have good intentions to go get another stack from my classroom that is relevant to the beginning of the year, and then continue the rest throughout the year, as I go. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I did it!

After about a week of work and some tutorial help from Teacher to the Core, The 3am Teacher, and this YouTube video by Tori from Tori's Teacher Tips, I have created my first "TPT Product"-although I have no plan to actually sell it on TPT--my very own Plan Book!  I actually completed it late last night but didn't post until today.  Since it was completed yesterday, I think it is worthy of a link up with Tara for Made it Monday.

 Here it is.  It fits me, my personality, and I'm going to use all of it!  I plan to have it printed in full color at Staples or Kinko's on thicker paper, not quite cardstock, and keep it in a 3-ring binder.  Unfortunately I have to wait until we return to school to add the finishing touches with my class info, and anything else I need from our new principal such as dates and things.  It includes over 40 unique pages of not only a plan book that fits my schedule (in four colors), a calendar, birthday chart, class list, parent information, a contact log, volunteer information, etc. I can't wait! And boy...did I learn a lot in the process!
Special thanks to:  
for digital papers

for frames

for clip art