Friday, July 26, 2013


Ok, so you can see why my blog is called Me & My Bright Ideas--I had this great idea to create a blog last summer...before I found out, last minute, that I would be teaching a combo (with fidelity) and beginning my Master's Program! Duh! Bright idea, huh!  I had no idea what I was getting into with either of them. 

So, I have decided to start over with more energy this time. (A least, I am 99% sure I won't have a combo!)

I will re-introduce myself as if today was the first post ever:
My name is Tracy, I am a SoCal girl, born and raised!  I absolutely love it in San Diego County and I will never leave, despite the cost of living!  I love the beach and all it entails, and teaching!  I have two girls, one will begin high school in the fall and one is going into sixth grade, and a supportive, loving husband.  I teach second grade and have taught 2nd (in some form) for 12 of my 17 years teaching. (what!-NO way!)  I am finishing my Master's in Educational Technology in December (all online-it is absoulutely awesome! Yet, exhausting!)  Which is how I got here...

I thought that with an emphasis on EdTech, I should delve into the world of Blogging and after BlogStalking for a few months, began my own--then life took over!  I had NO (I mean NO) idea how much work a Master's Degree would involve and add to that a self-contained combo!  Therefore, no blog posts! 

Now, I have two weeks (sob) before reporting back to work and I can safely say I have accomplished nothing!  How is that possible??  I feel like I have been busy...but I have not:
1. read several novels
2. planned cool new stuff for next year
3. scrapbooked to be up to date
4. read the professional book I inteneded
5. done the research for my Master's Project
Shoot!  I'm not even tan! So I can't even say I sat by the pool all summer!

The to do list goes on, and on!  What have I been doing?! Get this, I have been kidless for almost a week, and still....  My oldest spent a week at camp and I saw her for only 2 hours before she went to Oregon for a service trip with the church youth group.  I haven't even spoken to her for 11 days!  But, don't worry, they were told to leave the phones at home and the adults are maintaining a short but sweet blog on their adventures.  I am looking forward to her return on Wednesday!  My younger daughter has been at camp since Sunday and will be home tomorrow-yay!  I have enjoyed my husband's company and we have a nice dinner planned tonight.  I think I'll go shopping and find something cute to wear.  If I am smart, I can double it up as a first day of school outfit or for Back to School Night and cross that off of my list right!? Besides I have some deals that are only good until this weekend so I need to go soon!

I'm off to shop!  Thanks for granting me a fresh start!  I have now added Blogging to my official to do list.  :)

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