Sunday, August 4, 2013

Almost Time!

Well, my birds are all back in the nest! We enjoyed some fun events interspersed with frantic back to school moments-such as, "we HAVE to go to Staples today, its the last day of the sale and new stuff goes on sale tomorrow!" or classroom visits, or planning, etc.  Yes, I'm crazy like that!  I officially return at the end of the week, so just a few days left...   :(

Don't worry, I'm also excited to start back!  I have grabbed some cool new stuff from TPT and conjured up some bright ideas for "what I'm doing different next year" that I will (hopefully) implement and love!  Since I had a combination class last year, some of my 1st graders will be my 2nd graders and I am trying hard not to repeat the lessons I did whole class last year.  I'll share more about those ideas later!  I finished reading Talking, Drawing, Writing that I blogged about below.  It was a great book and I got some wonderful ideas for mini-lessons and how I can set up the student writing binders.  I think, however, it is much more geared to Kindergarten.  My kiddos are usually beyond the storytelling stage and should be writing more details.  But this book may help me with ELL students and my struggling writers.

I have been working on my Grad Project and I will need to create a teacher guide/staff development on the topic I chose.  I am currently researching the use of technology to differentiate reading instruction in primary classrooms.  Please share any ideas/suggestions you might have that may help me develop this topic-I'd love to hear your input!  Again, I'll share more about my project as I get more into it.

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