Sunday, September 22, 2013

Classroom Management

Wow!  I cannot believe that it has been almost a month since I blogged last, looks like a lot has been going on in my classroom and life! 

This year has proven to be a very interesting group of kiddos!  I have many that cannot stay on task and one that is very needy and will do anything to get my attention completely on themself.  I mean anything...standing on chairs, crying like a two year old to get their way (loudly, I must add), throwing things at others, you name it.  This kid takes a lot of energy and patience.  I think I have a system now that is helping, we'll see how long it lasts!

For the off taskers, though...oy! with 32 students it is very difficult to keep them all engaged!  I am using warm fuzzies from Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations that you see below, but I have had to take away 5 warm fuzzy cups because they can't leave them alone.  I award fuzzies for those who finish work or are on task, I encourage, I modify work, I offer tutorials at recess, I just can't get them to focus!  It is a constant song & dance on my part!
I also use ClassDojo to keep track of points when out and about or during teaching/small groups if I can't get around to drop them in cups.  Then we convert them to fuzzies.
I have also been using Brain Breaks from Stephanie (that's her photo below--I don't have one of mine) that seem to work, sometimes...maybe I just need to do them more often. 
And, please, oh please, you can't get me that class set of iPods my principal said were coming, soon enough! I have a feeling that the technology (and privileges to use them) will also help.

Any suggestions, tips or tricks!?

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