Monday, July 10, 2017

Being Productive

I'm linking up today with Tara and Maribel for

and I think I've been pretty productive if I do say so myself!  What do you think?

I started off by finishing up my Brag Tags, or at least the ones I'll be starting the year with.  Once I get my class list (the day before school starts) I'll make and laminate their name tags and string them on the ball chain necklaces and they'll start earning right away.  I think storing them in these "toolboxes" is both fun and functional.  Word to the wise: use a guillotine style cutter-you can cut more at the same time AND find a punch that requires less wear and tear on your hand muscles-I finally remembered that I had a Crop-O-Dile Punch and that saved my life!!  You're welcome!!

 I even have a few empty drawers to add to right away!

While I was busy having colored cardstock printed at Office Depot, I decided to also put together my fun welcome gift.  We start on Thursday this year and I always give pencils on the first day. I decided I wanted to continue that so I'll probably give these out Friday at the end of the day.  Looks like I forgot to add my name to the tags, oops! 

The template came from Cassie at Teaching and Technology.  You can find it here.

I also completed a rough version of my long range plans. It is only rough because I haven't been able to talk with my new team about their plans.  I figure not too much will change though.  I really liked this quick visual version that I saw posted by Jessica at the Teaching Oasis in last week's Monday Made It.  I then downloaded it from Ginger Snaps' website and changed it up a bit.  Here's my first page:

I really need to figure out just which wonderful ideas I will use the first few days of school and will probably pop into my classroom in the next two weeks to work on my classroom environment. Thanks to Fourth Grade Frolics, you are all holding me accountable to get stuff done this summer! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning the Ginger Snaps planning sheets. I missed them last week. The timing is perfect because one of my tasks this week is to tweak my yearlong plans and this will help. THANKS. Kathleen
