Thursday, July 16, 2015

An Update on "Work it Wednesday"

It looks like The Queen of the First Grade Jungle is having way too much fun with that new baby of hers to post about her fitness journey, but I want to tell you about my progress from last week's
 Unfortunately the scale has made no progress but I think I have... Since we last spoke, I started a walk program from Spark People that suggests I can walk off 10 pounds in 28 days.  Read the article here.  I figure it keeps me moving, so what can it hurt? and if I loose 10 pounds, hip, hip, hooray!! I have been following it for just about a week now, but not quite to a T.  I haven't lost weight yet, and my clothes don't seem to fit differently, but I feel muscles where I didn't before, especially when they hurt!

As fore the walk program, I want to continue to do my Zumba and Pilates each once a week, so I substituted Zumba one day (I figure I get a similar result) and did Pilates on the "rest day" and I add upper body weights to the walk twice a week.  As for the walk, I sometimes move the daily activity around depending on where I walk.  For the hills, I use the treadmill at the gym as there aren't many near my home or where I walk.  I am also not going to be in town for the next few days so tried to save this week's more steady activities to fit where I'll be.  I was hoping for a sunset walk last night (see last post) and this is what I got..Ugh! The weather is not in my favor...  The beach is about 25 minutes from my home and when I left inland it was beautiful and clear.  What happened?
I made another change this week, though.  My husband and I are planning a trip to San Francisco this summer and will be biking to the bridge from Union Square, so today I did the walk "workout" on the bike.  My workout was about three times as far as the trip in San Francisco and we'll probably be stopping along the way, so if I can do that, I don't think I'll have a problem on our trip!

I'm looking forward to my girl scrapbooking trip this weekend and plan to keep up my walk "plan" even though we SIT all day long to scrap!  I may not get many steps on the Fitbit, but I will keep walking!  How are you doing on your fitness journey?  Keep it up!!

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