Saturday, January 2, 2016


Today is the day I hook up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for a little Currently!
As I procrastinate on getting myself ready for next week...
  • I can hear my daughter, who encouraged her father to get the Trivia Crack App so they could challenge each other, yell "I don't know this stuff!" So funny!
  • Loving you haven't used this, it is AWESOME!  I am currently organizing volunteers for my daughter's theater group and my volunteers rock!  They visit this site, sign up for their required volunteer time, and viola! I just need to set it up and make sure it all works out in the end.  I use it to schedule my parent/teacher conferences every year--so much easier than notes back and forth and/or phone calls!--classroom volunteers and events, too.
  • I have enjoyed my break this year, but it is back to work on Monday for me.
  • Well, with enjoyment comes a list of "to dos" that have not been crossed off.  I'm wishing they would magically be done, but looks like it will run over into next week...
  • thus, I need to remember what I am doing next week...I prepped before I left on Friday, but I don't really remember what it was...
  • I did a funny little quiz on Facebook today "Which Pixar quote should be your life motto?"  I got "Keep on Swimming!" from Finding Nemo...but you probably could have guessed that, huh?
Happy January!


  1. The Trivia Crack App sounds like it could be fun! Don't worry about your to-do list, I am a firm believer that it will all get done eventually. At the moment, enjoying the rest of your holiday is most important!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

    1. They are having a great time playing, it is just not something I want to add to my distractions right now! Thanks for visiting, Sarah!

  2. I love Trivia Crack! My husband always beat me though!! I'm going to look into that Volunteer Spot website. Thanks!

    1. I can't say how much easier VolunteerSpot has made scheduling things! I hope you can use it! Glad you stopped by!

  3. I have totally loved my break, but I'm back to school Monday also. kids until Wednesday! WooHoo!!

    Take care, and Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Karen, you are so lucky to have some prep time when you return! Hopefully it is very productive-sometimes I get too chatty and find myself wandering in circles, starting-but not finishing-little tasks-ha! I like your word: FOCUS-that is one for me too. (although it sounds like it, not all the time, though!) I am looking forward to visiting your blog more often. Happy new year.
