Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Planner Challenge-Day 19

So my work goal this year is similar to my home goal.  I started to keep my master copies in binders, hoping they'd be easier to find and use.  Well, possibly, but you have to put them back into the binder when you take them out!  This part is actually not too hard, but the sorting through the files and eliminating old worksheets and things then putting them in binders is pretty difficult!  I have brought several units home last year to start putting in binders, but I'd run out of sheet protectors, need more binders, put it off until later...and you can see where this is going!

Now, when I go to get things they are not always there! Yikes!  So this year I want to be really good about filing into binders and organizing masters so next school year, BAM! Instant organization!

So, here's a little glimpse of what those binders are supposed to look like:

Now, I have to put in a disclaimer here:  Please note I used to be pretty darn organized with all this stuff, but when I started my Master's program I was always in a rush to get home from school and complete an assignment, or read chapters, or meet with my group in our online classes.  At the time, all the "extra" stuff went on the back burner-I mean, an assignment is due when it is due, right? So now I have this mountain of stuff to organize and it. is. daunting! I didn't now where to start, so I didn't.  Well, that's all over now! And by the way, I got straight A's all through the program (a TOTAL first for me) so I guess it was a little worth it!

 What's your work or home goal for 2016?

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